Bitcoin Price Watch; Tonight’s Key Levels

Bitcoin Price Watch; Tonight’s Key Levels

We’re quickly closing in on the end of the European session in the bitcoin price and it’s about time to...

Canadian Central Bank Chief: Bitcoin is Gambling not Investing

Canadian Central Bank Chief: Bitcoin is Gambling not Investing

The governor of the Bank of Canada thinks Bitcoin is nothing more or less than gambling.Stephen Poloz, 62, told CNBC...

Popular App Stores Targeted With Malicious Software

Popular App Stores Targeted With Malicious Software

Valuable items will always attract criminals. Cryptocurrency is no exception. However, with a security model as strong as Bitcoin’s it’s...

Armed Robbers Enter Home, Force Bitcoin Trader to Transfer Funds

Armed Robbers Enter Home, Force Bitcoin Trader to Transfer Funds

Moulesford, Oxfordshire: In what is believed to be the first attack of its kind in the UK, armed robbers broke...

CFTC Indicates Hedge Funds Expect Bullish Bitcoin Price Momentum

CFTC Indicates Hedge Funds Expect Bullish Bitcoin Price Momentum

Bitcoin futures have not made an immediate impact on the market as of yet. That situation may come to change...

Bitcoin Price Weekly Analysis – Can BTC/USD Break $12,000?

Bitcoin Price Weekly Analysis – Can BTC/USD Break $12,000?

Key PointsBitcoin price is slowly moving higher and is currently trading above $11,000 against the US Dollar.There was a break...

Is Bitcoin Too Volatile to be Used as Currency?

Is Bitcoin Too Volatile to be Used as Currency?

In Davos at this year’s World Economic Forum, Bitcoin has continued to be a polarizing subject, attracting both criticism and praise...

The IRS Wants to Tax Your Cryptocurrency

The IRS Wants to Tax Your Cryptocurrency

As we know, blockchain technology is premised on anonymity. Transactions are public, but linked only to an electronic address. Anonymity,...

Bitcoin Price Watch; Live Trade Entry!

Bitcoin Price Watch; Live Trade Entry!

We’re going to jump straight into our analysis for this evening, purely because the action we have seen during the...

Startup Demo Of Bitcoin Micropayments Usage Through Lightning

Startup Demo Of Bitcoin Micropayments Usage Through Lightning

Scaling Bitcoin has been a big problem for some time now. The activation of SegWit has not necessarily addressed any...

Bitcoin Price Watch; Trading The Downside Action

Bitcoin Price Watch; Trading The Downside Action

So we are drawing to a close on yet another day of bitcoin trading and, unfortunately, it’s not been a...

Samsung is Manufacturing ASIC Chips For Bitcoin Mining

Samsung is Manufacturing ASIC Chips For Bitcoin Mining

Samsung, the largest company in South Korea which is accountable for a large portion of the country’s economy, has started...

Is Testosterone to Blame for the Current Bitcoin “Bubble”?

Is Testosterone to Blame for the Current Bitcoin “Bubble”?

Cryptocurrency has always been an industry dominated by male investors. Even though women are active in Bitcoin too, they are...

Over a Million Millennials Flock to Robinhood for Crypto

Over a Million Millennials Flock to Robinhood for Crypto

Since the US trading brokerage announced that it would be opening its doors to cryptocurrencies over a million new users...

NIST: Bitcoin Cash is the Original Bitcoin Chain

NIST: Bitcoin Cash is the Original Bitcoin Chain

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a paper which claims that Bitcoin Cash is the original Bitcoin...

Canadian Government More Concerned With Underground Economy, Not Tax

Canadian Government More Concerned With Underground Economy, Not Tax

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau said his country isn’t planning on making changes...

Japan’s Financial Services Agency Isn’t Happy With Coincheck

Japan’s Financial Services Agency Isn’t Happy With Coincheck

Last week’s big news was how Coincheck got hacked. With hundreds of millions in funds lost, things are not looking...

Bitcoin Price Watch; Hedging The Dip

Bitcoin Price Watch; Hedging The Dip

So it’s time to put forward the next of our bitcoin price watch analyses – this time for a Thursday...

Bitcoin Price Watch; Consolidation, Breakout, Recovery

Bitcoin Price Watch; Consolidation, Breakout, Recovery

It’s Wednesday evening and we are closing in on the end of yet another rough session in the bitcoin price....

Bitcoin as Part of Your IRA?

Bitcoin as Part of Your IRA?

As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies gain credibility as legitimate investments, the investment world is working to make changes. One interesting...

A Bitcoin Crash? –Much Ado About Nothing

A Bitcoin Crash? –Much Ado About Nothing

The line has been drawn in the sand. As Bitcoin continues to show its volatility, as should be expected from...
